Friday, September 30, 2011

A Poofy Dress and Butterfly Wings, These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

So Halloween is coming up and it is actually one of my favorite days of the year. Not because of the dark scary goblins, the black cats and the creepy crawlies like you would think, but it is the one day of the year that I can get away with playing dress up at my age.
Silly I know, but it's one of the things I miss about being a kid the most.
There's the playing dress up with my sister and my friends, or scattering by 3 giant boxes of Barbies all over my room, or being able to carry a stuffed animal with me wherever I went, or pretending that I was a mermaid in my swimming pool, or playing "Martha Stewart" in my backyard with an overturned crate for a kitchen counter and dirt and rocks to make chocolate chip cookies on my imaginary cooking show. These are the things in life that make me wish I could have stayed a little girl.
I guess in some ways though I still do get to do these things though, it's just not pretend anymore. I get to set up my own house instead of Barbie's, I have a pet cat that snuggles with me instead of a stuffed one, I get to cook for my husband every day with real food not dirt.... and play dress up every Halloween.
It's the little things in life that I get excited about. Hopefully God will bless me with a daughter to play dolls with though. I'm pretty sure that would be awesome. I can't wait until the day when I have the excuse to play with Barbies again ;)
But until then, I'm breaking out the poofy dress and butterfly wings on halloween. Once a year I get to pretend I am little again. Only 31 days to go! :)

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