Tuesday, July 27, 2010


What's the matter with them? Why are they acting that way?

Why, don't you know? They're twitterpated.


Yes. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime. For example: You're walking along, minding your own business. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face. Woo-woo! You begin to get weak in the knees. Your head's in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather, and before you know it, you're walking on air. And then you know what? You're knocked for a loop, and you completely lose your head!

:) And that's how I feel about Angelo :) <3 :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Marriage: Year Two

So somebody, (I don't remember who), but somebody said that the second year of marriage is the year that determines how the rest of your marriage is going to be. Heaven or hell.

You've already lived with each other for a year and you know what makes your spouse happy, sad, excited, frustrated, angry, hurt, etc.
Your discretion has gone out the window and you end up saying exactly whats on your mind so he/she KNOWS what made you feel this way, and you want to make sure they KNOW so they don't do that again. Most girls whine, complain, get more upset than usual, are very emotional about little things and so on. It's almost like a yearlong PMS.

I've found that I've caught myself every now and then falling into this overreactive "omg, you should know better" attitude. Sometimes it just bugs me (more than it should) when he doesn't know where the tupperware goes and I tell him "You KNOW where it goes" rather than sweetly help him put it away.
Or we both had a long day at work, and he's being short with me, and I forget that, it's okay, he's just tired and I need to give him some grace, and not give him a bad time about accidentally saying something kind of harsh.

When I feel compelled to comment on little things or get upset cause "we've had this conversation before. I've told you once, weren't you listening?" it never turns out well. I always end up beating myself up as I think, "why did I say that? That wasn't very nice Jenn. He's your husband. Love, cherish, respect... remember?"

The thing is, I know him, and he NEVER EVER says or does anything ever to intentionally hurt me or make me feel bad. So, I know that this isn't his intention, it's just his reation to whatever else is frustrating him. I just remember that and I have no reason to be upset. And if I'm not upset. He's not upset. As my mother told me many times "It takes two to fight"

I've also learned that when I criticize him for doing things wrong, it doesn't make him want to do it for me better. It makes him not want to do it at all for fear of messing it up and getting himself in "trouble".
Instead I've been practicing encouraging, thanking and praising him for all the wonderful things he does for me every day. Whether it's helping me do the dishes, taking out the trash, taking me out to lunch or on an adventure, or spending time with me in general. I make sure to let him know how grateful I am for that. I don't want to get out of that habit just because I think "oh, it's okay, he already knows" Sure, he knows, but it only makes him feel better to hear me tell him. :)

He tells me he LOVES doing these things for me and with me and I think it's partially because of my attitude. If I was grumpy or critical about how "that's not how I do it" all the time, we would spend a lot more time fighting and a lot less time enjoying each others company.

I LOVE the way he accidentally puts my sweaters in the dryer and they accidentally come out shrunk because he didn't know. It makes me laugh. It just means that he really does need me to help him do laundry. He NEEDS me. That is such a good feeling; to be needed and wanted by the man of my dreams. And so what if my sweaters are a little short, that's what undershirts are made for. :)

Year two I think is going to be better than year one. No more getting stuck in the grumpys for Jenn. I vow to hold my tounge and to keep my attitude positive.

We went on our first camping trip together in Tahoe last weekend. We spent the whole weekend enjoying every minute and even though we were running late to claim a camping spot, we put the tent up wrong the first time, we forgot to pack pillows, our air mattress went flat, we were covered in dust, and lacking sleep, we didn't get upset with each other even once. All we could do was laugh about it.

We woke up extra early to watch the sunrise together. It was amazing.

"Hello sun. Welcome to year two. This, is going to be the best year of my life"